Friday, March 9, 2007

2 words for you..... BATH TIME - in three parts.

This is soooo embarrassing... I can't believe I'm putting my bath videos on the internet. As if I didn't look small enough already, when my fur gets wet it just seems to disappear - and you can see my pink skin on my back even! AAAAAA!!!! No wonder I get cold so easily, I have no insulation! This is all much easier to talk about since right now I'm sitting in my owner's lap wrapped in a towel and happily chewing on the desk chair. I mean, I've got to take this out on something. She also mentioned something about cleaning my ears, brushing my teeth, applying my monthly dose of Advantix... will today NEVER end?!?!

The horror begins!

Soap soap soap - I look so unhappy :(

Shaking Dry after taking it all out on a towel. Shake Shake Shake - Shake Shake Shake - Shake your BOOOTY! Shake your BOOOOOTY!!!!

My owner wanted you to know that she propped up the video camera for the first bath tub video using a small bag of dry lentils.