My friend Shirley
My best friend is Shirley, she's a 17 pound (enormous if you're me) Beagle/Rat Terrier puppy - also known as a "Raggle". At first I wasn't too sure about her, being that she was so much bigger and louder than I am. But we like each other quite a bit - but we have to be watched carefully because we both tend to forget our size and I can get snooty. You should see the look on her face when I steal a toy - that drives her nuts! Sometimes we both get out of hand and need a time out, though I always seem to get in my crate first:

And sometimes she really can't wait for me to get out and play:

Here's a short clip of us playing tug of war - I think I need to learn some doggie version of judo, I've got to figure out how to use Shirley's weight against her or I'll never win this darn game!!! You may want to turn down the volume before playing this video, my owner sure makes some stupid sounding noises!
See you on MONDAY and have a great weekend!

And sometimes she really can't wait for me to get out and play:

Here's a short clip of us playing tug of war - I think I need to learn some doggie version of judo, I've got to figure out how to use Shirley's weight against her or I'll never win this darn game!!! You may want to turn down the volume before playing this video, my owner sure makes some stupid sounding noises!
See you on MONDAY and have a great weekend!
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